วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 11 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

ชมรมศิษย์ครูบากฤษณะ อินทวัณโณ

 ชมรมศิษย์ครูบากฤษณะ อินทวัณโณ
        ชมรมศิษย์ครูบากฤษณะ อินทวัณโณ ก่อตั้งขึ้นเพื่อเผยแพร่เรื่องราวที่เกี่ยวกับท่านครูบาฯ ประวัติของท่านครูบาฯ ตั้งแต่ในวัยเด็ก ชีวิตของท่านในวัยเด็ก กระทั้งออกบวชเป็นสมณะ และการปฏิบัติธรรมของท่านตั้งแต่ต้น จวบจนปัจจุบัน

      Phra Kruba Krissana Intawanno was born in August 1, 2497. He is the 9th child in the family with total 10 children. Kruba took up the robes as monk under Phra Kruba Pu and follow him on Tudong to Cambodia and Laos. When Kruba was 25 years old, he received his Bhikku ordination on October 27, 2522. His monkhood name "Intawanno" was given at that time. After that, Kruba spent 10 years studied Buddhist holy texts and practice meditation in theforest which located in the Northern part of Thailand. In 2532, Kruba resided in a cave above the Moonbon Dam in Khonburi. After 3 years, local people knowing about a great monk in their area thus they request Kruba to move the the forest and build the Wat Pa Mahawan. Facilities were built and a pond of water supplied as dug with the help and efforts of the local people. Kruba used the earth from the newly dug pond to make the Salika Couple as sacred object of worship and bless by Kruba himself. After that, Kruba continue making his Butterfly amulet which actually a pair of Salika.

      Kruba's amulet is made of a carefully-selected mixture of flower powder, holy powder and other sacred materials. As such, this nice amulet has a strong and pleasant fragrance that lingers around even after a long period of time. This amulet has been blessed personally by Phra Kruba Krissana Intawanno himself when it was rented from the temple.

      Phra Kruba Krissana Intawanno is a famous Guru, known for making efficacious pendants of the King of Butterfly or Thep Jamleng Pamora. The efficacy of his pendants has been witnessed by many of his believers and had even won over many hardcore sceptics who had originally thought that this was just another sales gimmick thought about by enterprising amulets businessmen. Many people who have worn the above pendant have reported very significant changes to their lives and experiences of good luck and good fortune. As such, this amulet is very popular with devotees especially from the Asian countries due to its many good experiences.

蝶神,这一款佛牌的正确名字叫DHEP JAMLANGPAMORA简称DHEP jEMLENG.这一款牌的创始人是古巴吉士纳师傅 (phra kruba kristana intawanno ),一般上我们称这一位师傅为古巴。

这一位师傅擅长用大自然的植物如花粉,檀香木 (mong dam)磨成粉混合在一起做成佛牌及一些招人缘及增强财运的圣物。这是因为古巴相信花有精灵的存在及有很强的招人缘功效。而檀香木则有天生就有避降和解降的功效。所以古巴就利用了这一些材料来做成蝶神,借助精灵的力量及师傅本身念经加持的法力来帮助佩戴者。由于这些植物天然就有香味,所以功效和人缘油一样。可以为佩戴者招人缘。

古巴每一面蝶神牌上都会镶入宝石 (铜牌蝶神例外 )这是因为古巴相信这些镶在牌面上的宝石经过念经加持后,有加强佩戴者财气的功效。

ชมรมศิษย์ครูบากฤษณะ  อินทวัณโณ
ติดต่อ  เฮียกิตติ
081 813 1935 
Email : bantanthai@gmail.com

  ภาคใต้  หาดใหญ่  สงขลา
ติดต่อ  เฮียหมี
Email : Nimitgr@gmail.com

